So despite the busyness of May, we sure did have a lot of fun things happen. Here are a few of the highlights:
Ethan finished up his baseball season strong! We're sure were proud of him. He gets better every season. His favorite memories of this season include: 1) making the FIRST out of the FIRST game!!! He was playing first baseman and the ball was hit in his direction. He ran and got the ball and then out-ran the runner back to first base. 2) Getting the game winning ball after a great game--his coach said Ethan stayed "Focused" and "Worked hard the whole game." So here is Ethan with his game-winning ball and trophy! GOOOO STORM!!!
Tatum is just soo stinkin' cute. I LOVE all of her little sayings right now! Her new favorite word is "SERIOUSLY!" For example, Chris was calling her to the dinner table saying, "Tatum!!! Come now!" to which she responded, "I AM DAD!!! SERIOUSLY!" Another favorite example--this happens about every day when I'm teaching piano, Tatum says, "Mom...I need a drink...Seriously!" So what's a mom to do? I jump right up and get her one:) She also LOVES cupcakes. I LOVE the way she says the word "cupcakes," it comes out more like "COOKCAKE!" Cracks me up every time! And no matter what sport Chris is watching on TV--football, basketball, or baseball--Tatum calls ALL sports "FEETBALL." She loves to ask, "Dad...are you watching feetball?" That's my girl!!! (That's how I feel about all sports on TV--they're all the same and I can only watch for a few minutes:) Here's a pic of Tatum with a "Cookcake:"
Max's Preschool Graduation!!! I like to call myself a "Pioneer" of Packer Pre-school!!! 7 years ago I signed Carlie up for Chris Packer's preschool--the class was almost cancelled because she didn't have enough students so I rounded a few more up! And here I am with my 3rd child completing her program! We LOVE LOVE LOVE Mrs. Packer. She does soo many wonderful things with the kids like dinosaur digs, and star-gazing, and field trips to super fun places like the Pumpkin Patch and the Zoo. So I am soo grateful to her for teaching all of my kids for all of these years. (AND...Tatum will be starting with her in the fall:) The graduation performance was fantastic! Complete with red carpet, diploma, and of course...TREATS! There is a song that the kids sing called, "When I Grow Up." Max has been telling us for about 2 weeks now that he wants to be a "Rockstar" and that he needs to get some tattoos because all the rockstars have them. Well, come to find out, he got to be the "Rockstar" in this song. I had to tease Mrs. Packer about the "tattoo" thing to which she said, "I DID NOT tell him about tattoos!" So funny! Mrs. Packer is AWESOME! Here are some pics of the big event! YEA MAX!!!
And now that preschool has ended for Max, I decided to skip housecleaning today and take my two youngest to a park! We went to a park just down the street from us. As soon as we got there we were approached by a 4 pack of ducks looking for food. They were NOT shy! I did happen to have some pretzels in my purse so we fed them to the ducks..BIG MISTAKE! They followed us around the rest of the time! I don't know what it is about birds and me!!! I actually hate fowl of ALL kinds! I had some traumatizing childhood experiences with different kinds of birds--they must be able to smell FEAR! STINKIN' BIRDS! We managed to get away from them in the water area of the park. Here are some pictures of our fun adventure this morning!
And now....BRING ON SUMMER:)
1 month ago