Monday, February 16, 2015

DANG She's CUTE!!!

Little Miss Tatum is in "training" for upcoming musical theatre productions:)  She turns 8 in late September which means she can FINALLY audition to be in some plays.  Carlie has been drilling this girl!  And DANG!!!  She is SURE CUTE!!!  I especially LOVE the facial expressions and foot-stomping on the chorus:)  This song is a long song with LOTS of words so I am MOST impressed with my little Tatum Jane:)

This is Tatum singing "A Little Bit Naughty" from the broadway "Matilda."

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Max gets his Bear!!!

Max finished his Bear scout award a while back but with all the holiday events, he was just awarded it in January.

He was so excited to get to enter "The Bear Cave."  He had all kinds of plans and ideas but we talked him into toning it down to just a scream, a bear growl, and a shoe being thrown over:)  Both he and Chris played their part well!  Welbos…here we come!

Max is 10!!!

My 10 pound baby is now 10!!!

What wanted a little different birthday this year.  His requests were:
1-Camping for 2 nights with Dad, Ethan, & Papa Frank
2-Birthday dinner at Texas Roadhouse
3-No party, just the $--well, he got half of the deal since he did have a campout:)

Max got to miss school on the Friday before his birthday for the 2-night campout.  Papa Frank came over from NM for the event.  I asked for pictures to be taken but of course, none were:/  So they camped and had a GREAT time!

Max likes the restaurants that make a "big deal" out of the birthday kid--even though he pretends like he doesn't:)  So he chose Texas Roadhouse for dinner where you sit on a big saddle while they give you a BIG BIRTHDAY YEE-HAW!!!

We then headed home for some ice-cream cake and family presents.

So grateful for my Max.  He brings so much joy and laughter into our home.  I'm blessed to be his mom.

New Year's 2015!!!

We were invited to a New Year's party at my good friend's (Gwen) home.  We had such a great time.  There was LOTS for the kids to do so they had a BLAST!  It was a beautiful rainy night and the kids loved being outside jumping on the trampoline and LIGHTING FIREWORKS!!!  The adults all hung out inside just talking and playing fun "Minute to Win it" games.

It was a ton of fun and my kids would have stayed ALL night if we had let them.  Gwen is a fabulous photographer and had a little photo booth to capture some of the fun that night.  Here are a few of my favorites: