Sunday, July 12, 2020

AZ Stop #3: Vulture Mine

Ethan's choice was Vulture Mine.  He loves to watch these "Ghost Hunter" shows on YouTube and seeing that this place was one of the most haunted places in AZ so just had to and see for ourselves.

This place ended up being SUPER COOL!  What a step back in time for sure.  Vulture Mine is the most profitable gold mine in AZ and it is STILL being mined to this day--we actually saw active miners there!  This place is near Wickenburg, AZ and was only about a 1.5 hour drive.  It's only open until noon these summer days so we went early.  The nicest lady gave us a brief history and then we were able to roam around the little Ghost Town on our own.

The "Hospital and Brothel" were all in the same building--makes perfect sense to me:)

Since Chris's Great-Great Grandmother
was a Madame, I always insist he take a picture
under the sign.  To get back in touch with his roots:)
Chris was the first to show my boys the proper way to be creepy.  Then they just had WAY TOO much fun.  (We know there were cameras every where so I'm not sure what the owners thought of us after this:)

Feet in the stirrups please:)

Outside the founder's (Henry Wickenburg) home--that little cabin in the back--is the original "Hanging Tree" where 18 miners were actually hung for stealing gold from the mine!  This was hands down the creepiest spot on the property.

Rope is still there!!!

Henry Wickenburg's Outhouse

Cool/old Piano

Creepy dolls in the "Church"

Just took a pic of this because it's a Ford Anglia--
like in Harry Potter!!!
Now I don't mean to be a crazy/ghost person BUT I did have a little "experience" there.  (I've always believed in ghosts but I've also always lived by the belief--if you leave them alone, they will leave you alone:). We were walking up the stairs in the machine room--it's the only 2 story building still standing there--and we were only allowed to climb up one person at a time.  I was the last to go up and I KID YOU NOT...the freaking light went OUT ON ME!!!  YES!  It had stayed on for everyone else but went out on me half-way up--NO!  It wasn't motion-activated!  So I quickly ran the rest of the way up and you better believe that I was NOT the last one down:).  (The light stayed OFF the rest of the time so it is "possible" that they just need a new bulb--but it was a newer LED bulb so it should probably have lasted longer--just sayin'.)

As we were walking to our car, I heard a "meow" and it turns out that there is a very friendly calico kitty, "Princess," who keeps the mouse count down on the property.  SUPER COOL and FUN place.  A MUST-SEE if you're in to all that ghost stuff:)

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