Maxism #1: Max had a substitute primary teacher at church one Sunday. He knew that this teacher did not have any kids of her own but she showed up to church this Sunday with a LITTLE GIRL about his age so she was in class with him. He was soo excited after church to tell us that Sis. Taylor FINALLY got a little girl of her own. I said, "Max...that was just her niece that was visiting." "Oh," says Max. "I thought she opened up an orphanage and so far had just one girl." Of course, that make PERFECT sense right?! (I think we watched "Annie" a few too many times this past year:)
Maxism #2: Chris was cleaning out his car one day sitting in the front seat. Max was sitting in the passenger seat helping out. He looked at the dash board and said, "Dad...I have NO idea what all of these buttons do." Chris then went on to explain that certain buttons changed the radio station, some set the air conditioner/heater, etc. After Chris explained all the buttons, Max asks, "So which one of these buttons is the SELF-DESTRUCT button?" After a good laugh, Chris said that there was "NO self-destruct" button and thought inwardly (so as not to hurt Max's feelings) that Max would be the LAST kid of ours that he would tell if there really was such a button--he would push it FOR SURE:)
Maxism #3: This past Friday (Feb 24th) was Ethan's birthday and Miss Arizona just happened to be visiting CTA this day. So anyone who was having a birthday OR who had gotten the special principal's award could come to the front office to meet Miss Arizona. Ethan was telling us all about it when Max piped in, "So wait...I'm that REALLY her last name?! How in the HECK did they find someone with the last name Arizona???"
Maxism #4: This past Sunday was our Stake Conference. Our stake is too big now for all of us to meet in the stake center. So we were assigned to go to our regular building and watch the conference via satellite broadcast. We were sitting there listening and watching the stake choir sing the prelude music when Max says, "HEY wait a minute!!! Are we SPYING on another ward??? Does the bishop know about this??? Are we ALLOWED to do this???" Rest assured that I did explain to him that yes, we were "allowed" and were supposed to be "spying." The things this kid comes up with:) I just LOVE this kid:)
Those are awesome! They all brought a smile to my face :)