Thursday, June 21, 2012

Carlie's 12th Birthday--FINALLY!

Oh my gosh!  Carlie's 12th birthday seemed to take FOREVER to come this year--at least she thought so.  She is the LAST Beehive to enter Young Women's this year.  She did get to go to girl's camp despite her STILL being 11:)  This past Sunday, Father's Day, she was especially moody with me because BOTH the Primary and the Young Women did a special musical number for the dads.  I had no idea that this was happening until I looked at the program.  Well, Father's Day was June 17th and her birthday was not officially until Wednesday, June 20th.  So I told her, " WILL sing with the Primary AND you WILL sing with the Young Women and you WILL be HAPPY about it!"  So she rolled her eyes constantly during the primary song and I'm supposing she sang beautifully during the young women #--but I'm not sure because I was playing the piano so please let me know if I am supposing wrong:)

All good.  She made it.  She had a FANTASTIC slumber party on Tuesday this week--this was the ONLY night that she did not have rehearsals this week so we jumped on it.  Despite still not being caught up on sleep from girl's camp, I braved a 12 year old slumber party:)  We had an interesting mix of girls this year.  She had a group of theater friends, a group of school friends, and a couple of church friends and they all got along fantastically--no small feat:)

So they did LOTS of swimming:


LOVE LOVE Maddie's face in this pic:)

And YES!!!  She FINALLY got her own cell phone--she will tell you that she is the LAST one in her grade to get one:)  (I missed the SUPER excited face--DANG it!!!)
And this is what happens when you have a couple theater divas who will NOT be out-sung by one another:)  Good times--AMAZINGLY talented girls:)  Just REALLY REALLY loud:)

And my personal favorite Wicked song:

Well, my baby is 12 now.  She is growing up WAY too fast for me:(  I remember having a small spaz attack when she was old enough to go to Primary from Nursery.  Well now I'm having a slightly larger spaz attack with her entering Young Women's.  What to do?  I am so proud of this girl.  She is so amazing and talented and I thank the Lord EVERY day for her in my life.  I love you Carlie Mae!  And I will love all the sassiness you bring my way these next coming years:)

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday Carlie! And, Buffie, you make me tired reading your blog. You do A LOT! Glad you can keep up. I'm taking notes...
