Sunday, August 2, 2015

Seattle Part 2--Saturday, July 18th

So we got off the boat one last time in Seattle.  We had a couple of hours before our flight back to AZ so we decided to take in the "Seattle Underground" Tour.  SERIOUSLY CRAZY history!!!  There's no way that this town should have survived/thrived through the modern day!  Between high tides, floods, & fires the town should have been wiped out and left for dead!

The underground tour is actually underground because the town had to be re-built after a HUGE fire--the fire is actually credited for the town's survival and existence.  Because of being by the ocean, house were wiped out nearly every month for years.  After the fire, every had to re-build anyways...just about 15 feet higher!  The creepy/rumored haunted tour was very informative and very funny--funny because the tour guide knew her stuff and made it fun!

This is underneath a sidewalk that people walk on today

Just a beautiful Seattle day!
So our vacation was officially over:(  Seriously the BEST family vacation to date.  I loved every minute of this trip--so different than anything else we have ever done.  How will we ever top this?  Well...we shall see:)

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