Sunday, September 2, 2018

The Little Mermaid

So I'm totally embarrassed to admit that I did NOT want Carlie to do this show!  The show was originally supposed to run for 2 weekends and she would only be here for the first weekend as she would be off to BYU the second weekend.  I thought for sure she wouldn't be cast at all--there were over 100 people trying out and they cut that back to 38 total in the cast.  But apparently they loved her enough to double-cast her character so that she could be in the show.  And then long story short...the show ended up just being one weekend so she didn't miss a thing!

I can't think of a better way for Carlie to have spent her last week at home...doing what she LOVES!  AND she got to dress up like a mermaid every night--ALL the mermaids were celebrities!  Little girls literally flocked to them after the show for pictures.  And she just LOVED all of her "Mer-Sisters."  They developed such a tight knit/sister bond during this show. 

Aquata, Allana, Atina, Flounder, Andrina, Adela, & Arista
(Carlie, Kylie, Maddi, Charlie, Miranda, Katy, & Michala)

This is the scene where the Mer-Sisters all doubled
as human princesses trying to win Prince Eric's heart:)

Maddi & Carlie
Carlie & her "Sisters"



Fun Times/Friends:

Noah & Carlie

Scuttle & Aquata
(Ben & Carlie)

(Kayleah's Dad!)


They are each other's BIGGEST

Carlie & Kayleah

"Unicorn Poop!"

Carlie & Tayte

Chris & Kristin Bowler
SOOO CRAZY PROUD of my baby girl!  Way to go out on top of the world!!!  BYU has NO idea what an incredible human/musician they are getting!!!  LOVE YOU TO THE MOON AND BACK CARLIE MAE!!!

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