Tuesday, July 27, 2010

First Day of School 2010!

Yeah!!! The kids were SUPER excited about school this year! It was Max's first day of Kindergarten this year!!! He's been waiting for this day since his 5th birthday (in January--he thought you got to go to Kindergarten AS SOON as you turn 5...VERY disappointing:) I decided to wait until the 2nd week of school before I started teaching piano again so that I would not have a repeat of last year. Click here for a quick reminder! (Tatum would NOT be denied the photo opportunity! She WILL be starting pre-school in 2 weeks)

So Carlie is starting 5th grade with Mrs. Schanaker:

Ethan is starting 3rd grade with Mrs. Littley:

And Max started Kindergarten with Mrs. Lombardi:

Max was TOTALLY fine his first day. Mom was a bit of a mess. It was a very over-cast morning and I definitely did not NEED my sunglasses but was SOO glad that I had them! I went to leave so I called to Max through the fence and told him I was leaving. He came over and reached his little hand through the fence and grabbed my finger--STILL tearing up just writing about it!!! It's all good. He got off to a GREAT start and is TOTALLY ready for this new adventure in his life:)


  1. Oh, almost makes me tear up! I hate/love the milestones they hit!! Do you guys have year round school (they start very early!) We still have a month until school starts.

  2. wow - only one left at home! what do you think so far? do you like it?

    max sure does look happy!
