Sunday, August 4, 2019

BYU Softball Camp!

Our June was CRAZY to say the least--Chris was gone to Europe for 12 days, Carlie was working full-time, Max was in several productions at the same time, and Tatum and I headed off to Provo for her second time attending the BYU Softball Camp.

This year, Tatum & Chloe insisted on staying in the dorms on their own.  Amber and I were great with that.  We all flew out together and got a rental car for the week for Amber and I.  Tatum & Chloe partied at BYU and Amber & I had the best girl's week ever!

We were laughing so hard at the girls as we checked them into their dorms.  They were the most basic dorm room ever with very basic amenities but to the girls, it was like a 5-Star hotel!  They were SOO excited about EVERYTHING!!!  "OH MY GOSH!  FEEL these sheets!  They are SOOO soft."  "Our room is HUGE!"  "WE HAVE OUR OWN FRIDGE!"  They didn't even seem to mind the community bathrooms:). They were definitely living "Their best lives!"

Checked in with their bags of goodies!

Girls with Cosmo!

Their very own mini-fridge!
Amber and I headed out on our own adventures.  We shopped, ate amazing food, rafted down the Provo River, and watched movies.  It was AWESOME!  It was kinda nice to escape for a week and NOT have a set schedule of places to be and things to get done.  

Horses at the Provo River

On the last day, we went and watched our girls in action on the ball field.  They loved every single minute of the week.  Apparently, they had the "party/hang-out dorm" because they had all the good food that Amber & I bought for them at the beginning of the week:). They made lots of new friends and have both made the goal to play softball for BYU someday.  

Head Coach Eakin
Coach Pete (from Australia)

Coach Taylei

Coach Rilee

Coach AJ

Coach Morgan

Coach Arissa

Coach Ally

Coach Aubree

Tatum, Emily, Mary, & Chloe

Their RA--Julia
We then headed over to the Provo City Temple for the girls to do baptisms.  It was really cool to be in this Temple.  It is no where near as busy as the Gilbert Temple.  The girls got right in and then afterwards got to stamp and record their own names!

Then it was dinner at Brick Oven Pizza and pedicures to finish out our amazing week.  


So we have decided that this has to be a yearly tradition.  We had such a great time and can't wait to do it again!

1 comment:

  1. Haha, that's how I felt moving into your dorm room.....she has a fridge! and a toaster oven! and a chair! and a tv! and a bazillion Shirley Temple videos! and fish! and the room is SO BIG! :-) That really was a big dorm room though. Miss you best roomie ever.
