Friday, June 22, 2018

Europe 2018--1st Stop: DC

We flew out bright and early on Wednesday, May 30th--leaving Carlie to get Tatum off to her last day of school:)  All went well both at home and in travel.

Our first stop was Washington DC where we stayed one night.  It was really great because I have only been to DC once in my life (when I was 16) and I didn't get to see or do anything because I was in rehearsals all day.  But this time I got to go with my own personal DC guide and I didn't have to play any instruments:)

It was awesome to get to see all these monuments I had only seen in books before!  

Washington Monument
Oh Ethan...don't fight it.
It just makes it worse and will
make for a LONG trip:)

Lincoln Monument

MLK Monument

WWII Monument

Vietnam Monument


Day 2:  National Museum of Natural History/Arlington Cemetery

Funny Story:  So we take Ethan on this fabulous trip and this is seriously the ONLY thing he took his camera out for--A BLUE LOBSTER!!!  Apparently they are extremely rare and to see one ALIVE is quite amazing.  So here's Ethan's BLUE lobster:)  (OK...he has no more room on his phone for more pictures but still...castles vs. lobsters???)

This is just cool not because it's big...
but because it's cursed:)

The changing of the Guard

Then we hopped on a plane to take the Red-Eye to Paris!!!

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